Macau Econo Hotel
Macau, China
The Econo Hotel was created for budget travelers. The facade achieves a distinctive and sophisticated effect within a limited budget.
Modulated cladding elements make up the skin of the hotel. Repeating elements are reorganized to create the effect of motion across the building’s wide facades, while echoing the water surrounding Macau and the exquisite historic paving pattern of the city.
Macau, China
The Econo Hotel was created for budget travelers. The facade achieves a distinctive and sophisticated effect within a limited budget.

Modulated cladding elements make up the skin of the hotel. Repeating elements are reorganized to create the effect of motion across the building’s wide facades, while echoing the water surrounding Macau and the exquisite historic paving pattern of the city.

Location: Macau, China
Type: Mixed-Use, Hotel
Size: 75000 sq.m
Client: Global International Tourist
Status: Project
Architect: MHKW, Samer Hout Designer